
How to make someone feel good easily? Throw them a b-day party!

During my Erasmus time I have a chance to try new things. This isn’t only the time for drinking rakija and partying (ok, that too, also but not only!). I'll try to describe things in short. Except for the lectures in English I could join a Croatian class and I'm really thankful for this opportunity. In this Erasmus programme, plenty of students are from Poland so I laugh to my foreign mates: ok, after all this time in Croatia you don't get a chance to improve your Croatian, because you still spend time with Polish people. So? No choice for the outsiders, but to learn Polish! 

Kino Art Rijeka, you can find here movies in english! 

I went to a krav maga class for the first time (so now I'm sure I can fight a potential aggressor. No, just kidding, but I feel a bit more confident). I tried belly dance and I want more! I didn't expect to use my buttock muscles this much at any point in my life. I even didn't suspect that glutes can move! I visited a dog shelter for the first time, because ealier my life would revolve mainly around school and work. I made friends with a wonderful, fluffy girl – Lili. I hope she finds new home! I sang karaoke. Maybe it isn't anything special and I'm 100% sure it was no good, but I ovecame my fear. I could try dishes from whole Europe on Euro Dinner. I watched a movie before its official Polish premiere („The killing of a sacred deer”) – BTW, the waiting time for new movies in Poland is really embarrassing. Croatian people from student's organisation prepare lots of events about ecology, sport, culture. 

Azil za pse, Lily

What else? Travelling! I have discovered some amazing places while drinking hectoliters of coffee, enjoyed marvellous views and spent quality time with people from different cultures.  
One of typical view in Croatia, Rovinj
Ućka mountain trip
Celebration of  time with international squad

Let's get to the merit! Two of my friends from my pavillion in the dorm have their birthdays around the same time. I decided to do something unexpected, like secret party! Why? Because my friends organized a suprise party for me before and I know that feeling. I remember the kind of pure excitation and suprise I felt at the time. I found some company to help out, we organised the event and the gifts. I know, jars with plenty of cigarettes aren't good advertisment for healthy life but it's also some part of croatian culture. People're smoking always and everywhere. It's hard to stop. 

Really unhealthy gift for addicted of cigarettes 

We figured out a way to lure the girls in without them suspecting anything. I didn't expect that so many people would turn up. When the guests started singing „happy birthday” Magda asked me „whose birthday is this?”. I'm really proud of my idea, because I could do something nice for another people. Now I can clearly see how people from different countries can get together and do something really positive. Maybe my vision is very naive, but if you’re depressed over the winter or, for example, thinking about the meaning of life – go out there and do something. Do something for other people: for your friend, your granny, your neighbor. In my case it was mostly about fun, but when I studied sociotherapy (no, guys, physiotherapy is not the same thing!) one of professor told us a story about a girl. A lonely girl from primary school who sat alone on the school's corridor. Everyone ignored her because she was shy and quiet. She decided kill herself if on a particular day no one would notice her again. In this story, which really happened, one of teacher was curious about this little girl and didn't ignore her. It sounds unbelievable but it happens every day. You can be a good doctor, an accountant, an IT specialist, but, first and foremost, make sure you remain a good person. I try to pull something „more” during my Erasmus adventure and it's exactly the best moment for start.

Erasmus burek's lovers 

On this photo we're keeping really popular croatian dish called burek. Is as popular as kebab in Poland (but kebab isn't even polish, is turkish but in polish version). Especially before, after or during the party, because in Rijeka you can find some 24/7 open burek's places. Personally, pizza burek is my favourite; burek with meat and with cheese/ cheese and spinach is the most popular. 

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