
Such a grim absurdity to decide on the rest of one’s life at a time when one is a total moron.

What does „a career counselor-to-be” actually mean? I have tried to explain the direction of my study a lot of times throughout my Erasmus programme. 
Whenever someone would aske me about „what I studied” I felt like giving a huge sigh in my mind. My specialization is career counselling, particularly for people with disabilities. It's lonely area in Poland, because lots of people with learning difficulty (or, more specifically, their parents) prefer staying in a safe space. 
My favourite sentence in Rijeka: please, let me leave my comfort zone. And, ok, another one - don't give up. It sounds a little bit shitty but belive me, it does work. I felt it when I was climbing for the first time in my life. I was sweaty and missed my good physical form. I was struggling with my thoughts and heard voices in a number of languages, such as „no tutto bene”, „damn it”, „putain” and more, but I don't want to shock people. But when I got to the top I felt like Wonder Woman. I was glad and I forgot about the adversity.

Don't worry, I don't aspire to be a super-coach, who would push you and scream YOU CAN DO THIS. It's not a good way. In my opinion, the most important thing in our young lives is that we follow our dreams and pursue our ideas. If you have this good voice in your mind, a hunch, please, do follow it. Let me explain. So your dad, grandma and uncle are all doctors? You collapse when you see a needle, but your family is certain that this is the best path for you. Next step, for a few long years you go to med school and earn a pretty good salary afterwards, but you're miserable. What’s more, your partner, children and the lady from the nearby store are unhappy too. When I was 19 years old and I graduated from high school, it was obvious that now I was going to college. My friends asked me about the field of study I would pick and which university I planned to get into (not about my idea for a future, though). I chose. Well, I can now be proud to call myself a professional art critic. I dreamed about journalism, so that specialism was only a little bit more specific. Nevertheless, my decision wasn't totally mature. Lately, I found a good quote: Such a grim absurdity to decide on the rest of one’s life at a time when one is a total moron. 
Today I know that a gap year for working, travelling, improving your skills, or simply taking more time to decide what it is that you want to do, can be a good option. Sometimes, it is necessary to make a better-informed choice. A careers assistant can help anyone and there’s no reason to be ashamed of availing of their help. Learning is a lifelong process, and so you have the whole of your life for education, changing your present circumstances and shaping your future. I found a different area of interest and changed my direction. For me, this isn’t the end. This is just a beginning. Don't be scared and don’t panic. I know, it’s easier said than done. I too have my moments of a slight heart attack, but then I know that next time I'll make it better with new strength. What do you need? A little bit of curiosity of the world.  

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