
Catch the moment!

Projects, volunteering, international internships - possibilities for us, young people

Our leader, Adam 

Honestly, I didn't think about it too long. I saw the advertisement on Facebook, I had some free time and the desire to spend week in the Polish mountains. It's so simple. 10 minutes and I was in the team (ok, usually you need to send an application / CV in English).
If you hear the sound of a drill every day, Poronin in Poland is the best direction for you. 
The sheep will wake you there. We had a lot of tasks, that's a fact. Many people think that such exchanges are one big lie (Let me explain. I'm talking about projects financed from the EU budget or courtesy of other organizations - that's why some people think that is ONLY fun). Sometimes it is, but in our case we had a plan filled to the brim. 

Lovely people and my weirdo face in the middle 

Awesome happening based on Malevich's arto works 

Discussions, painting, creating. We did performances, presentations. We talked about the band Voo Voo with Waglewski at the forefront and his cooperation with the Ukrainian band Haydamaky. Folk and ethnic inspirations are great. We made posters for the quote "music as a key to the universe" - even I painted, although I have no talent. 
What I liked best was the happening inspired by the work of Malevich, a Polish-Russian-Ukrainian artist. I am full of admiration for the idea and performance in Zakopane's Krupówki. Tourists could join the creation of the work, and then take a picture in specially created holes on the poster. Penetration through a work of art. Another performance showed the intricate relationship between the two countries and I hope to see it one day in the theater. Everyone gave a high level of acting and understood the role well.

Performance about polish - ukrainian relationship

Of course, the rush of tasks has pissed me off a bit but on the other hand we also had time just to have fun. I do not remember when I laughed so much and just felt myself. Not that in the city I can not be myself, but there I felt just relaxed (that's why I recommend it to everyone). We had the most fun with the translation of words that sound similar in our native languages, but they have completely different connotations. 

Adults or still children? 

In addition to Erasmus in Croatia, I didn't have the opportunity to participate in this type of short-term exchanges. Some people have worked hard to release a movie of our whole week. Others used wooden charm, a truly highlander cottage (including me). The Polish evening, typical of similar expeditions, ended with a dance until sunrise. The neighbors from Ukraine presented for us a real celebration of a wedding party with a quite real young couple. They showed us the usual games, music and rituals. 

If you or your friend would like to start, but are afraid - just do it. 

a) The level of English was really different, depending on the person, it's always a stupid excuse for me  (I mean: give up because I can not speak English). You are in a group, so there will always be someone who can help you find a word. And if you do not feel well in conversations, this is a great opportunity to improve your language. Believe me that I was really blocked a year ago when it comes to loose conversation, and now I want the other person to just understand me well. 

Group photo has to be 

b) The projects are also different, participants usually come from many places in Europe. It is really good chance to meet people from all over Europe, because you choose a project that interests you, so you meet people with similar interests. You will find something for yourself. Ecology, culture, politics, whatever, anywhere. If you only have an impression, a bit of a desire, follow your intuition. To be honest, quite unexpectedly, I met someone who surprised me and I hope that we will be able to meet again soon.

And another one 

c) Honestly and really, if you hit the right people, you can destroy all the stereotypes and generalizations you have in your head. The only thing you can regret is that you're only there for a week, a month, a half a year... ultimately, it's always too short.

Lovely people 

Part of the article - a reportage I wrote to the official folder: 

We met to build. Not literally. Young people from Poland and Ukraine spent a week together in the picturesque Villa Austryjok in the heart of Podhale. Thanks to financing by Polish-Ukrainian organizations, we had the opportunity to exchange experiences about our customs, stereotypes and conflicts. Together, we were wondering how to build good relations between our countries, where culture and art became a bridge. Participants are young activists involved in spreading awareness among the community about the broadly understood culture, informal education. We experienced this time in a productive way, building symbolic bridges and relationships between us.

I am writing this note, because I was very inspired by this trip, these people, and besides, I wanted to throw some photos taken by one of the talented participant, Ksenia. She did good job.
I respect the fact that people from Ukraine really wanted to create a good team with us, share their experiences and skills. 

-> webside of ukrainian organisation: STAN art group

Lovely people 

PS: Most often, part or all of it is paid for with EU funds, so you have to pay money for the journey, which will be refunded later - It's important info for low-cost lovers like me. 

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